Best Landholder Relations Management Software: Find Successful Land Dealings with this Software

March 12, 2024

Sebastian Tiller

Landholder Relations Management Software serves as an essential tool for organisations navigating land-related activities. This software plays a pivotal role in centralising information, streamlining communication, and ensuring compliance. Its functionality typically revolves around several key features:

  • Central Information Hub: The software acts as a central hub for all relevant information pertaining to landholders. This includes contact details, land ownership information, lease agreements, and any other pertinent data.
  • Communication: It facilitates effective communication by providing tools for sending and receiving messages, notifications, and updates. This ensures that both parties involved—organisations and landholders—can stay informed and engaged.
  • Activity Tracking: Landholder Relations Management Software enables the tracking of various activities related to land management. This may include logging interactions, documenting site visits, and recording any changes or developments concerning the land.
  • Compliance Management: The software often includes features to help ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. It assists in managing permits, licences, and other documentation necessary for legal and regulatory adherence.
  • Spatial Data Integration: Some land management platforms may integrate spatial data, allowing users to visualise and analyse land-related information on maps. This can be particularly useful for understanding land boundaries, planning, and decision-making.
  • Task and Workflow Management: The software helps in organising tasks and workflows associated with land management. This may include scheduling maintenance activities, monitoring lease agreements, and ensuring timely payments or renewals.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Robust reporting and analytics features provide insights into key metrics and performance indicators. This enables users to make data-driven decisions, track trends, and optimise their land management strategies.
  • User Permissions and Security: To maintain data integrity and security, Landholder Relations Management Software often incorporates user permissions. This ensures that only authorised individuals have access to sensitive information.
  • Integration with Other Systems: Many land management solutions are designed to integrate seamlessly with other business systems, such as accounting software or enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. This integration streamlines overall operations and enhances efficiency.
  • Mobile Accessibility: Some platforms offer mobile accessibility, allowing users to manage landholder relations on the go. This is particularly beneficial for field agents or those who need to access information while away from the office.

What are the best examples of landholder relations management software?


Borealis offers a unified platform for efficient stakeholder engagement, complemented by modules strengthening environmental, social, and governance aspects. With features like grievance management, land access, and social baseline, the software enables organisations to track, respond, and demonstrate positive impacts.

The Stakeholder Engagement Core Module streamlines processes, providing an easy-to-use platform for planning, recording, monitoring, and measuring engagement activities. Regular updates, based on global user feedback, ensure alignment with best practices. Borealis prioritises data security and facilitates proactive and efficient stakeholder management with smart communications and powerful analytics.


Jambo is an SRM tool for quick, secure, and comprehensive tracking and reporting. It is purpose-built, providing a secure location for organising contacts, logging communication records, and simplifying report generation.

Trusted by leading organisations and governments, Jambo ensures effective stakeholder data management, allowing teams to stay on top of issues and commitments. To get started, teams can request a demo, receive a quote, and easily onboard.

Simply Stakeholders

Simply Stakeholders is a user-friendly landholder relations management software designed for easy setup and day-to-day use. With tools to manage social risk, it offers a streamlined five-step process, enabling users to import contacts, invite team members, integrate with communication tools, and gain AI-driven insights.

The platform excels in features such as stakeholder mapping, task management, reporting, and analytics. Its integration capabilities, including an easy-to-use API and compatibility with Gmail or Outlook, make it a versatile choice for seamless stakeholder management.


EngagementHub features an integrated LRM tool. This end-to-end solution combines interactive community engagement and insights in a single platform, eliminating the need for costly add-ons. The LRM system streamlines processes, allowing users to import stakeholder data, log communications, and group stakeholders efficiently.

It also offers a unique user profile system for a deep understanding of stakeholders, supports effective communication through automatic emails, and provides a comprehensive Insights Reporting Dashboard. With streamlined workflow tasks, governance audit, and 38 participation tools, EngagementHub offers a complete solution for effective landholder relations management.

Why is landholder relations management important for businesses?

Effective landholder relations are crucial for various industries, from agriculture to real estate and utilities. LRMS ensures clear communication, compliance with regulations, and positive stakeholder engagements, contributing to sustainable and successful operations.

How does LRMS contribute to compliance management?

LRMS assists in managing permits, licences, and regulatory documentation. It ensures that organisations adhere to legal requirements, reducing the risk of compliance issues and fostering a transparent and accountable land management process.

Can LRMS be customised to fit specific industry needs?

Many LRMS solutions offer customization options to adapt to diverse industry requirements. Users can tailor the software to match their specific needs, whether in agriculture, real estate, utilities, or other sectors.

How does LRMS enhance communication with landholders?

LRMS provides land management tools for efficient communication, including messaging systems, notifications, and updates. This ensures that both organisations and landholders stay informed, fostering positive relationships and preventing misunderstandings.

Is LRMS suitable for small businesses as well?

Yes, LRMS solutions come in various scales, making them suitable for businesses of all sizes. Smaller businesses can benefit from streamlined communication, compliance support, and improved relationship management just as much as larger enterprises.

What sets the best LRMS apart from the rest?

The best LRMS distinguishes itself through a combination of user-friendly interfaces, advanced analytics, scalability, integration capabilities, and a comprehensive set of features tailored to meet the unique needs of land-related operations.

How do I choose the right LRMS for my organisation?

Consider factors such as your industry, the scale of your operations, specific features required, user-friendliness, scalability, and integration capabilities. Reading user reviews, seeking recommendations, and conducting demos can also aid in making an informed decision.

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Sebastian Tiller

Seb has a long history of delivering elegant solutions to complex business problems that conform to the most exacting compliance standards. He prides himself on his ability to connect with customers and humanise software solutions to be understandable and useful to all parties. He’s also enjoys playing story-based single player games and spending time with his young family, building LEGO, attending recitals, and experiencing new restaurants with his wife.

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