For the past decade it has been Octfolio’s mission to keep people across Australia and New Zealand safe. We are well on the way to achieve this by creating the best asbestos compliance and management software aimed at asset and building owners, as well as industry, on the market.
If you run a business in which your building assets contain asbestos, it is in your interests to find the best asbestos software to manage your asbestos and compliance requirements. Not only does this ensure that your workplace is safe for employees, contractors and visitors, but it helps to guarantee that your business operations will be compliant and operate as efficiently as possible.
Why do we have the best asbestos product on the market?
Simple. We have spoken to hundreds of people in our industry; including clients, surveyors, and laboratories. We deeply understand their problems and have based Octfolio around practical simple end-to-end industry solutions to those problems.
One of the reasons that Octfolio earns its reputation as the best asbestos software on the market is that our level of understanding and engagement with industry results in helping us build important features.
These features mean that you can handle every aspect of asbestos management using Octfolio, including:
Asset Management
Not only does Octfolio make it easy for you to store your asset information. It also allows you to nest that information into a hierarchy so that you can prioritise which information you need based on your existing asset requirements.
Octfolio intelligently detects assets with a moderate or high level of risk to your recommended management strategies, based on the type and condition of the Asbestos-Containing Materials (ACM). With Octfolio, you'll always have a birds-eye view of your organisation's ACM risks.
Field Data Collection
Our field data collection features operate both online/offline. Your surveyors and assessors can work from anywhere in your asset portfolio, from the boiler room to the roof tops. This helps you and your team record asbestos wherever it might be hiding. Automated field completion, risk scoring, and mandated fields speed up data collection to save time and ensure you are up-to–date and consistent with all compliance obligations, no matter who does the work.
Octfolio presents small business to large enterprises with an alternative model, augmenting the client-server setting with an infrastructure that enables more flexible access to a broader suite of information resources. Under this paradigm, an Octfolio field user such as a qualified assessor or a site foreman may take advantage of history data and reference documents prepared and made available in-field for data validation and collection.
Report Management
Octfolio understands the significant costs involved in updating registers for each individual location. That is why Octfolio specifically launched a solution to help reduce the cost of reporting compliance for the asset owner over the entire asset lifecycle.
With Octfolio, you are given extensive customisability over your reports, as well as the ability to send those reports to any devices such as those used by licensed hazardous material assessors. Its report templating and generation functions also eliminates the potential for human error and data entry mistakes.
Confusion free Compliance
Not sure what standard to use? Octfolio reports on and surfaces at risk environments by aligning to the UK based HSG227 guidelines. This is to ensure a best practice high-quality compliance monitoring system. Octfolio also understands that your organisation might have its own requirements and priorities; allowing customisation of questions, dropdown options, score weightings and risk matrices.
When the maintenance and construction contractors work on your assets, Octfolio’s Hazardous Material Information Management capabilities helps you manage the communication of risk and health and safety information correctly.
Octfolio will automatically detect info that may be out of date due to new audits or clearances of other data changes, and notify users that registers require updating. Octfolio will also help to identify which of your assets need to be scheduled for a re-inspection.
Document Management
Octfolio makes managing your documents simple. Create, customise, and automate a range of documents to manage large asset portfolios in one central online database. This can include registers, management plans and prioritised removal reports.
You can host a wide range of documentation, as well as automate many of the document templates available for more efficient document generation. Octfolio supports a wide range of document types (i.e. doc, pdf, jpg, xlsx, etc.) and stores documents in easy to organise and access document libraries which can easily be published to our asset specific Digital health and safety notice board system.
Asbestos Removal Management
Protect yourself and your assets by recording and tracking all maintenance and asbestos removal works on an up-to-date register. With workflows and process wizards, Octfolio helps to take the confusion out by applying clearance certificates to your asbestos data.
When contractor or maintenance personnel attend a site that has identified asbestos-containing materials, Octfolio provides up to date government compliant documentation and functionality to warn users when it is out of date, or if information has changed since it was last updated.
Digital Asbestos Register
One of the key features of Octfolio is the digital register. This allows building owners and managers to track inspections, manage regulations and ensure legal compliance all in one central cloud based solution, securely hosted in Microsoft Azure.
The digital asbestos register solution helps your business eliminate paper waste, makes storing and accessing data much easier and ensures that all reports are up to date. Additionally, using Octfolio, building owners and managers can track and record details of people that access the register as well as company details that have been provided with the register. This helps track cultural and engagement trends which can literally help save lives.
Access to Raw Data
Octfolio’s reporting feature allows building owners and managers to access raw data, reduce costs by ensuring data accuracy, and streamline the entire reporting process. Octfolio allows you and our team to save custom data views, which can then be exported in a single click for use in board reports, business analytics, removal planning and budgeting.
This feature alone can save building owners and managers hundreds of thousands of dollars each year. However, it also allows the building owners to define the information they want presented in the report in-house prior to the inspection program being undertaken.
Asbestos Risk Calculation
Octfolio allows building owners and managers to accurately assess and model all of the above-mentioned risks with one simple interface. The risk calculator feature utilises highly specialised and innovative algorithms to accurately determine the risk likelihood and consequences by presenting the calculated risk levels for all associated risks in a user-friendly and intuitive manner.
This allows executive management boards and project managers to set alerts and to be made aware of various types of risks in real time. Users have the ability to immediately and effectively implement measures to control and, where possible, eliminate these risks altogether.
Asbestos Mapping Software
Providing access to the asbestos register is of paramount importance to building owners and project managers. Octfolio’s Asbestos Information Management Software includes a user-friendly Interactive Maps feature, which can be used in-platform or shared with both internal or external visitors and contractors.
Octfolio’s interactive asbestos maps allow users to search for the specific asbestos related site address using the familiar Google Maps interface. Once the user has zoomed in on their specific target location, Octfolio’s software presents an asset tile including a set of hyperlinks attached to the place mark on the map. These hyperlinks include asbestos registers, restricted access information and any of the other compliance-related documentation your organisation needs to get out of the intranet and onto the field.
Communication and Labelling
As an organisation, communicating what you’ve discovered is why you are paying surveyors and assessors to capture this information in the first place.
Octfolio takes communication very seriously and works tirelessly with industry to provide a simple to understand traffic light system to communicate risk in a consistent way that engages users and doesn’t scare them away from using it again in the future. Octfolio does this with asset specific landing pages, on-site QR labelling solutions and simple shareable share pages.
Without specifically naming Octfolio, our labelling solutions were identified as best practice and shown in a report by the Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency in 2016 in their “A strategic review of the practice and use of asbestos registers in Australia”* white paper on page 20.
Since then, our labels have changed and are better designed, clearer to communicate, easier to identify and have modernised to ensure the clearest communication possible to at-risk visitors to your site.
Why choose Octfolio?
Octfolio is a proven industry compliance, inspection and risk management platform for much more than just asbestos in the built environment. We deliver on closing the communication loop between your site, your people, your contractors, and your legislative compliance. We also ensure you have access to real-time, usable, raw data to support informed and educated decisions to better manage residual risks within your asset portfolio. This is why Octfolio is the best asbestos software solution on the market today.
Industries and sectors who trust Octfolio
The following is a list of industries and sectors across Australia and New Zealand that are making use of the best asbestos management tool Octfolio: Education, Emergency Services, Energy, Health Services, Housing, Local Council, Mining, Private Schools, Public Schools, Regional Council, State Government, Telecommunications, Universities & TAFEs, Utility Providers.